Making it easier to hit your Daily Goals By Johnny Cash on November 4, 2016 | | Making it easier to hit your Daily Goals Hi everyone, In this post, I will be sharing four (4) ideas that we have learned from you... ... that may help you to increase and accelerate your cash outs. We need your feedback on those ideas... ... and if you would like them applied to your October and September AMCOs... ... which will have an effect on the timing of your October AMCO. As a reminder, we are all on a mission to create an entirely new world using technology… … a democratic social economy that utilizes some of the brightest minds around… … to attempt to learn from what went right in democracies throughout the world... … and especially what went wrong… … in order to create a new and improved democracy for the people of the world. Our path to success very much depends on building a strong economy that can support millions and eventually billions of empowr citizens… … so that we can maintain open doors and citizenship to anyone that’s willing to work hard and contribute to the community. Recently, empowr has been blessed with growing revenues… … and together the community had the idea to start accelerating the maturity of your earnings… … the process of which we have called AMCOs (Accelerated Matured Cash Outs)… … to continue to ensure as much cash as possible is going out to the community, as quickly as possible. We asked who should get the most acceleration and cash outs… … and together we decided the biggest beneficiaries should be the people that contribute the most to the empowr economy… … because building the empowr economy, we all decided, is the activity that would most ensure the continued growth of empowr revenues and cash outs. Well, the obvious question that, together, we then needed to answer, became: What is the best way to measure any person’s contribution to the empowr economy? The answer the community came up with, was: Hitting the Daily Goal The Daily Goal is where an empowr citizen hits their posting, sharing, bidding and product listing goal for any given day. Hitting Daily Goals should be fun Towards the objective of ensuring that hitting Daily Goals is fun, we would like to share the following ideas… … that originated from you, the community, mostly via the comments you left in earlier blog posts. The objective of these ideas… … is to make hitting your Daily Goals easier… … and therefore more fun… … while minimizing any negative effects on the empowr mission or the growth of the empowr economy. If you like one or more of the following ideas… … empowr’s engineers will get working on designing and implementing them into the empowr platform… … so they are functional and working for you, as soon as possible. Therefore, at the end of this post… … I will ask for your feedback… … so we can gauge whether or not one or more of the ideas are worth investing engineering resources into, starting today and continuing this weekend. 1. Rolling your actions forward If on any day, you did any of the (posting, sharing, bidding and/or product listing) activities that it takes to hit your Daily Goal… … but did not finish them all… … your activities could roll forward… … so that the next day you sign into empowr, you already have credit for 100% of those activities. Now, you would just need to complete the remaining activities, and your Daily Goal for that new day will be hit. Now, your actions won't go to waste After such an idea is implemented, if you become very busy one day with things in your life outside of empowr… … and are therefore unable to complete all the activities required to hit your Daily Goal, your actions will not go to waste. They will be carried forward to the next day. 2. Bonus actions roll forward too As you may know, after hitting your Daily Goal, the system gives some empowr citizens Bonus actions… … which they can perform if they choose to. NOTE: To receive more Bonus actions, AND also increase your daily earnings, simply slide this control to the right, from the top of most profiles and emails you receive from empowr:  Now, imagine if you choose to use some of your Bonus actions on any day… … that those extra actions could automatically roll into the next day… … so that you’ll be closer to hitting your Daily Goal the next day, the very moment that you sign in. Hit tomorrow’s Daily Goal today With this idea, you can actually do enough Bonus actions today, to ensure that your Daily Goal is automatically hit tomorrow. (empowr citizens that have chosen the Silver, Gold or Platinum options, using the slider at the top of profiles, should have enough Bonus actions to do that). Got a busy day tomorrow? Doing some traveling? Not sure if you will be able to sign into empowr tomorrow? With this idea, you can actually hit your Daily Goal tomorrow, by utilizing your Bonus actions today. 3. Help with your product listings goal Some of our newest citizens have been learning what’s OK to sell in the empowr marketplace… … and what’s not allowed. It has taken some of them time to understand that, for example, digital items (such as photos, recipes and e-books) should not be listed as products… … but can be sold as Premium Blog packages instead. As a result, they have had some of their product listings rejected by the moderators... … who, by the way, like everyone else, are themselves empowr citizens. Indeed, the moderators have also been learning the correct way to moderate items… … so it’s safe to say that, as a community, we are growing and learning together. Well, as a result of all the learnings we’re experiencing together, two (2) of the frustrating things you’ve reported have been as follows: Frustrating situation 1: Yesterday, Sally accomplished all of the (posting, sharing, bidding and product listing) actions required to hit her Daily Goal. Then, today, her listing from yesterday got rejected, so her Daily Goal (for yesterday) is now shown as Not Hit. Of course Sally doesn’t own a time machine and therefore has no opportunity to go back (to yesterday) and list something new for that day. So her Daily Goal for yesterday will remain “not hit” forever… … despite the fact that she had hit ALL of her other (posting, sharing and bidding) actions yesterday This is frustrating for Sally, obviously. Frustrating situation 2: Betty has only one thing to sell: Delicious chocolate chip cookies -- which she bakes daily. Betty would like to list her cookies only once… … so she can spend her day doing what she does best… … baking her cookies… … instead of spending time each day relisting the same product (her cookies)… … every day… … in order to hit her Daily Goal, every day. It is simply not optimal that Betty must relist the same product, every day, to hit her Daily Goal… … because the time it takes her to do that, is taking away from her doing what she does best… … baking her cookies… … and therefore that is not helping the community’s key objective… … which is growing the quantity of quality products available in the empowr economy. Quite frustrating for Betty, of course. A solution to both of the above frustrating situations Imagine if together we decided that three (3) product sales of $5 or more… … equals one (1) product listing In other words, on any day, if you accomplish all your action goals… … but for any reason do not accomplish your product listing goal… … regardless of whether your product listing was rejected by the moderators -- or you simply didn’t list anything on that day… … but you have three (3) product sales: Those sales can be substituted for the missing product listing. Does this make sense? As soon as you accumulate 3 sales, the system will get busy looking for prior days -- ANY prior day during that same month -- where you hit all your action goals except for the product listing goal… … and will use those 3 sales as a substitute for the missed product listing… … ensuring that you get credit for hitting your Daily Goal for that day. In this manner, you can make up for rejected product listings… ... because the empowr platform will replace those rejected product listings with three successful sales… … so your Daily Goal can be considered HIT for days that would otherwise not be hit. And in this same manner, you won’t need to invest valuable time creating repeat listings… … since the empowr platform will be busy using your actual product sales to fill in those missing product listings for you… … to ensure your Daily Goals are HIT. And guess what? By doing the other things you’re doing to hit your Daily Goal (sharing and bidding)… … you happen to be closing loops with the people in your circle of trust… … which is motivating them to bid and buy the things you’re selling… … and therefore you’re already doing what’s needed to increase your sales… … so that you can worry less about the product listing portion of your Daily Goal. Just remember that, to keep it fair for everyone, only product sales with a final sales price of $5 or more will count. ------------------------------- And finally, perhaps the biggest idea of the bunch: 4. Rewarding you AMCO cash outs regardless of Daily Goals Before we discuss this idea, some background information for our newest empowr citizens is required: As discussed, the most important objective we all are focused on, is building the empowr economy. What exactly does that mean? Well, according to the dictionary, the definition of the word “economy” is: The production, distribution and consumption of products and services In the above definition, there are three (3) activities mentioned: A. Production B. Distribution C. Consumption Of course when you successfully list and sell something… … you’re helping the empowr economy via activity A (Production). And when you purchase something… … you’re helping the empowr economy via activity C (Consumption). But what about activity B (Distribution)? How does distribution happen in empowr, and how does it help the empowr economy? Well, when you Like something that’s for sale in empowr… … or you Comment on it… … or you Repost it… … or Bid on it… … or Sponsor (resell) it… … the empowr platform creates a feed story, and makes it available for others to see:  In other words, the action you took has shared – meaning it has distributed -- the item directly to the eyeballs of others… … making them aware that the item exists… … and since they’re all in empowr… … they can easily bid or buy the item -- directly from that feed story -- using their empowr earnings. When people notice the feed story created from your action…. …. and purchase the item… … you have contributed to the empowr economy… … because you have successfully contributed to the distribution element (in the empowr “economy”): The production, distribution and consumption of products and services And that’s how your sharing actions (Liking, Commenting and Reposting)… … along with your actions of Bidding and Sponsoring… … contribute to the empowr economy. OK, so now that we’ve defined the word “economy”… … and have carefully described how your actions contribute to the empowr economy… … it’s time for us all to see if, possibly, we might be failing to provide AMCO cash outs to any empowr citizens that deserve them. That is, are we not yet giving AMCOs to anyone that is clearly and measurably contributing to the empowr economy? Hmmmm. Let’s think about this….. What if you only hit a few Daily Goals last month… … or even worse, you hit ZERO Daily Goals last month… … but you STILL contributed towards the empowr economy, because: A. You successfully listed and sold products but those listings didn’t count towards a Daily Goal because you hadn’t completed the other required actions: posting, sharing or bidding B. You contributed to sales by being a distributor… … by Liking, Commenting, Reposting, Bidding or Sponsoring -- as described above Surely, those actions were valuable, even instrumental, towards everyone’s goal of building the empowr economy… … even if they didn’t count towards a Daily Goal somewhere, for whatever reason… … and therefore you, too, should be rewarded with AMCOs. To be clear, I’m suggesting that we should be providing AMCOs to people that: Successfully list and sell products regardless of when those products were listed and whether or not the listing contributed to a Daily Goal Sponsor products All that bidding and buying that you’re doing creates economic value, when you successfully resell (sponsor) the item Promote products When you Like, Comment, Repost or Bid on someone’s product… … even when your bid doesn’t win the auction… … you have contributed to the sale if the purchase happened from the feed story that your action created Note: This new AMCO element (that doesn’t look at your Daily Goals) would need look at your actions from a month before to ensure you get credit for them all. Example: I suggest that the marketplace AMCO that you receive on, say, the 7th of March, would give you credit for: A. the Daily Goals you hit in February, plus B. your other economic activities from January Your feedback is needed What do you think about the ideas (1-4) above? For each idea, do you think it will help -- or harm -- our community’s objective of building the empowr economy as quickly as possible? Please use the comments section below, to say whether you like or dislike these ideas… … have improvements on these ideas… … or altogether have other ideas that would better meet the objectives described. If you like one or more of these ideas, we would like to move on them very quickly. Do you want empowr to retroactively apply these new rules? If you like the above ideas, would you like us to apply the ideas to your October AMCO? In other words, if you hit your Daily Goal actions during any day in October… … but missed the Listing part of that goal… … would you like us to count up your product sales and give you credit for those days… … boosting up the number of Daily Goals you hit PLUS the size of your AMCO? And, also, would you like us to further increase your AMCO by looking at sales that happened in September that you contributed to… … that stemmed from your sales along with your Liking, Commenting, Reposting, Bidding and Sponsoring in September? If you said “Yes” to these questions, please note that it will take our engineers a few more days to build that in. Are you OK with adding further delay? Remember that, in my last post, I mentioned that AMCOs for October would be a few days delayed… … to ensure that the engineers would have more time this time… … to test, retest, and test everything again, to ensure the massive issue that hit us last month, didn’t happen again. The entire engineering team has volunteered to work without taking a single day off this weekend… … and to keep working next week… … so they can get these things done for you as soon as possible. Looking forward to your feedback about ideas #1, 2, 3 and 4 above…. … and please give us your blessing to delay your October AMCO by a few more days… … in order to give you credit for more Daily Goals hit in October… … plus your economic contributions from September. Your truly, JC (more) ►