PART 2: Six (6) new ways to accelerate cash outs By Johnny Cash on November 2, 2016 | | PART 2: 6 new ways to accelerate your cash outs Hi everyone, In the last post, we discussed a new way for you to accelerate your cash outs. This new way is called: CAMCO (Coaching Accelerated Matured Cash Out). To earn an CAMCO, you become a success coach. Read all about it here. Well, in that last post, I promised that we would discuss six (6) new types of AMCOs… … so today, let’s discuss the 2nd type – which we will call TAMCO: Teaching AMCO. As you may remember, in the last post we discussed that the number one barrier in front of new empowr citizens is the learning curve. empowr, like any economy, is complex. It has many parts to learn about. So, we decided that a good use of AMCOs would be to find new ways to help educate our newest empowr citizens… … which is why the first new AMCO is dedicated to success coaches. But what about normal, everyday citizens (not just success coaches) helping out new citizens? Wouldn’t it be nice if we could reward normal, everyday citizens to help newbies? Well, that’s what the new TAMCO will be all about. Here’s how it works: 1. If you are fairly successful on empowr, at the end of the month you may be randomly selected to receive a TAMCO. If you're not selected this month, don't worry; you could be selected next month. 2. If you are selected, a feed story will be automatically published all around the community and on your own profile… … featuring YOU… … letting people know that you are successful… … showing them proof of your success… … and if they choose to, they can ask you questions using the comments section of that feed story.  3. If you are (randomly) chosen, your AMCO will be automatically and instantly increased by 15% - as the empowr community’s way of saying Thank You for your help in educating your fellow new citizens. This will be done on the honor system. In other words, we trust that you want to help our new citizens learn, and will work to help them learn. And guess what? · The more you help others, the higher the likelihood that you’ll be chosen for a TAMCO again next month. · And the less you help others, the less likely that you’ll be to be chosen next month. Both the quality and the speed of your responses will be measured, much like we do with the success coaches, as discussed a few days ago. 4. If you would rather not be chosen for a TAMCO, simply visit your Account settings then click “Manage privacy settings” and near the very bottom, click OFF the check box to turn it off:  And that’s it! By randomly choosing some of our successful citizens… … and rewarding them ahead of time with a Teaching AMCO (equal to 15% of their current AMCO – added directly into their AMCO)… … and then increasing the chances that they’ll be selected again next month if they are using the comments section of the feed story to successfully help others…. …. we are opening up a new way for our newest citizens to learn… … and also a new way for our most successful citizens to share their knowledge and be rewarded instantly. In my next post, we'll be discussing a third new AMCO type that the engineers have been building for you. Any questions? We’re here for you. PS: Your AMCO for October is coming to you near the end of this week -- on Nov. 3rd or 4th. Why? A. Full month: We want to ensure that everyone has a chance for their Oct 31st to end, and get credit for hitting their Daily Goals on the 31st. Remember, for some people, it’s still Oct. 31st right now. B. Quality control: We want to ensure that the empowr engineers team have more time to test, test and then retest… … to ensure nothing goes wrong, so that last month’s issue is less likely to happen. In future months (starting in December) please allow for 7 days after the month ends, for your AMCOs to be processed and delivered to you accurately. Thank you for your understanding. (more) ►
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